Library Policies
Hours & Coming to the Library
- You must have a signed pass to enter the library.
- Students without a pass will need to return to their classrooms.
- Sign in when you arrive and sign out before you leave.
Checking Out, Renewing, & Returning Books
Borrowing Period—Three Weeks
Limit—5 books
Limit—5 books
- You will use your student ID number to check out books.
- You may borrow books for three weeks (21 school days).
- Due dates are stamped in the back of the book.
- You may borrow five books at a time.
- You may renew a book up to three times without an overdue charge, so long as you renew it before the due date.
- Return books to the book slot at the circulation desk.
- You may use Destiny to search for and put holds on books. A hold reserves a book.
Late Fees & Lost and Damaged Books
Late Fee—5¢/school day
- If a book is late, you will be charged 5¢/school day until the book is returned. Pay fines at the circulation desk.
- If a fine reaches $1, you will not be permitted to check out books.
- If you damage a book, you will be charged for repairs.
- If you destroy or lose a book, you will be charged to replace it.